Sally Dorman

Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’ - …

ROME (LifeSiteNews) — The prolific pro-LGBT Jesuit Father James Martin has attested he has known “…
Father Karl A Claver
The freemasons are out and they are running (ruining) the Church.
As I have said before: I’m certain Jimbo here tells the sad, sickening, unfortunate truth regarding the pervasiveness of sodomy and sodomites within …More
As I have said before: I’m certain Jimbo here tells the sad, sickening, unfortunate truth regarding the pervasiveness of sodomy and sodomites within the Priesthood. What he says so proudly and proclaims so arrogantly and impertinently simply confirms what we all know, and it affirms why the Church is in such a catastrophically wretched and ruinous state. The Priesthood as we know it today is not only just corrupt, but it is UTTERLY rotten and putrid to the core. It is saturated with unrepentant sodomites and those who support and approve of them and their licentious and lecherous lifestyle. Infected in days past by a modernist miasma of wickedness and rebellion, it has long since become contaminated and polluted by the vile filthiness of this unnatural iniquity, and is now a cesspool of abomination that attracts the lowest, basest, most perverted sort of deviants and degenerates in existence. The ever-growing mountain of evidence that proves this dire reality is undeniable and indisputable …More
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Another thing Jesus Christ didn't say.
chris griffin
C. S. Lewis was never Catholic.
Male drag artist Carmine De Rosa 'entertains' children at Vatican World Children's Day in Rome (May 25, 2024).
Sally Dorman shares from
Francis knew the word "Faggotry" was offensive, and used it to shut down the Italian bishops repeated attempts to change the rules and allow homosexuals into seminary.

Francis Doesn't Want Homosexual Priests: too Much "Gayness" in Church

Francis asked the Italian bishops not to admit homosexuals to the seminary because "there is already too much 'gayness' in the Church", he said, who cannot stand real men around him. He who promotes …More
Francis asked the Italian bishops not to admit homosexuals to the seminary because "there is already too much 'gayness' in the Church", he said, who cannot stand real men around him.
He who promotes homosexual sin and [pseudo-] blessings for homosexual unions, said this at the meeting with Italian bishops for their spring assembly on May 20 (, 27 May).
For Francis, there is a risk that homosexuals who choose the priesthood will end up leading a double life, practising homosexuality and suffering from this dissimulation.
Last November, during the autumn meeting of the Italian Bishops, a set of regulations for seminaries in Italy ('Ratio formationis sacerdotalis') was approved. It proposes the admission of homosexual seminarians, an idea that has divided the bishops. The text has not yet been published and must first be approved by the Dicastery for the Clergy.
Picture: © Mazur/, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsMxphsqjhrq

Halik: Catholic Church needs a radical change in mentality

The church must accept that it does not have the truth for itself – and become a "learning church", demands the Prague theologian Tomas Halik. The synodal process initiated by the Pope is the right step. …More
The church must accept that it does not have the truth for itself – and become a "learning church", demands the Prague theologian Tomas Halik. The synodal process initiated by the Pope is the right step.
The Prague philosopher of religion Tomas Halik believes a radical change of mentality is necessary in the Catholic Church. He told the "Kleine Zeitung" newspaper in an interview that this is about shedding "the pride and arrogance of the owners of the whole truth". "We need to be a listening church; not just a teaching church, but above all a learning church," said Halik. The bureaucratic institution of the church must become "a house for all".
This requires a deepening of ecumenism, interreligious and intercultural dialogue. This also includes an awareness of ecological responsibility for "the environment, the planet as the common home of the entire human family".
According to the sociologist of religion, it is important to "find a way out of the structure of their denominationally …More Pope Francis visited Verona on May 18, 2024. Arriving for a meeting in the old part of the city, he blessed the banner of Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement (MST - Movimento …More Pope Francis visited Verona on May 18, 2024. Arriving for a meeting in the old part of the city, he blessed the banner of Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement (MST - Movimento dos Sem Terra) presented to him by Joao Stedile, its leader.
The Landless Movement in Brazil is openly communist and is the main instigator of invasions of farms and ranchs. These criminal invasions and take-overs of properties have often been acompanied by other crimes such as burning the buildings, killing the animlas and even murdering the owners.
It was the red banner of this movement that Pope Francis agreed to bless...
Further, he also granted Stedile the honor to address some words to him from the podium. These words were radically communist: "Cursed be all fences! Cursed be all private properties!"
Francis received this Veronna's communist cry with a warm expression of approval.
Leader of the Charismatic ‘Renewal’ teaching people to ‘speak in tongues’ and telling them to practice in the shower.
English Catholic
@charisma Please read this:…2053/The-Penecostal-Movement-A-Threat-to-the-Faith 'Catholic' Charismatic Renewal is no more than the importation …More
@charisma Please read this:…2053/The-Penecostal-Movement-A-Threat-to-the-Faith 'Catholic' Charismatic Renewal is no more than the importation of protestant practices into the Church.
Pls do not mix Pentecostal and Catholic Charismatic Reneval. This phenomena is much more characteristic of the first one. The gift of tongues (glossolalia …More
Pls do not mix Pentecostal and Catholic Charismatic Reneval. This phenomena is much more characteristic of the first one.
The gift of tongues (glossolalia) is listed in the Bible (1 Paul 12) and there is no problem with it in general.
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Anthony Esolen: Harrison Butker did not say that all or even most women must be homemakers. He did encourage some young women at Benedictine College in a way of life they may choose against the sneers …More
Anthony Esolen: Harrison Butker did not say that all or even most women must be homemakers. He did encourage some young women at Benedictine College in a way of life they may choose against the sneers of the worldly within the Church.

A Much-Needed Kick in Kansas - The Catholic Thing

When I think of the generation of Catholic churchmen, religious sisters, theologians, and songsters who were coming into their revolution when I was a …
Father Karl A Claver
Harrison should be congratulated and not condemned for speaking the truth.
Sally Dorman shares from
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg has counseled proponents of women’s ordination of “be cautious, take one step at a time, and then you might be able to go far.” “It can be changed,” he …More
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg has counseled proponents of women’s ordination of “be cautious, take one step at a time, and then you might be able to go far.” “It can be changed,” he said of the Church’s teaching on women’s ordination. “It needs arguments and time.”

Hollerich Contradicts Ratzinger: Women Priest Can Come “With Time”

Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich believes that Francis will not introduce [invalidly] ordained priestesses. Simultaneously, he referred to one of the Dubia of five cardinals which asked about …More
Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich believes that Francis will not introduce [invalidly] ordained priestesses.
Simultaneously, he referred to one of the Dubia of five cardinals which asked about John Paul II’s teaching in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis that women cannot be priests. According to Jean-Claude Hollerich, “Francis responded very wisely: It is binding, but not forever” (, 17 May).
In other words: Ordinatio Sacerdotalis means nothing and can be changed at any time. Hollerich confirms this interpretation: “It is not an infallible doctrinal decision. It can be changed. It needs arguments and time.”
John Paul II defines in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis that “the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women.” What was true then, must also be true now. In October 1995, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger confirmed that Ordinatio Sacerdotalis is “infallible” and “is to be held always, everywhere, and by all, as belonging to the deposit of the faith”.
Since both …More
President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi has been involved in a helicopter crash. His condition is unknown.
“There is simply no other religious faith that receives anything akin to this level of open, public hatred — or material state persecution — in modern America.”

In Today’s America, Catholicism Is the Most Persecuted Religion - The American Spectator | USA News …

Hunter Biden Cashed In to Fuel His Drug and Sex Habits Harrison Butker is a devout Catholic, a loving …
I love it that the traditional Catholic faith (not the modern one) is so hated. We must be doing something right.
Oh good, one more category with which to jump on the old persecution band wagon. What if you were a lesbian (woman and gay), person of color, "other" …More
Oh good, one more category with which to jump on the old persecution band wagon. What if you were a lesbian (woman and gay), person of color, "other" enabled, dyslexic, neurodivergent, victim of a narcissist, and Catholic...could you sue someone?
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Statement in Response to the 2024 Benedictine College Commencement Address: "The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement …More
Statement in Response to the 2024 Benedictine College Commencement Address: "The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested."
Alejandrina Reyes
No mercy for heretics.
"Deaconesses in the spirit", anyone? 🤪
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Sally Dorman shares from
New Vatican norms centralize decisions on apparitions

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

On 17 May, Tucho Fernández published guidelines on alleged supernatural phenomena entitled "Norms for proceeding in the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena." The main change: Neither the …More
On 17 May, Tucho Fernández published guidelines on alleged supernatural phenomena entitled "Norms for proceeding in the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena."
The main change: Neither the local bishop nor the Vatican will declare that phenomena are of supernatural origin, but the Vatican can authorise the local bishop to declare that a phenomenon is "not supernatural".
There is no provision in these norms for ecclesiastical superiors to give positive recognition to the divine origin of alleged supernatural phenomena, the regulations state.
The second major change is the centralisation of the process, since Francis is the pope of Roman centralism. The local bishop's decisions must be given approval by the Vatican.
The document refers to cases in the 20th century where the local bishop declared a phenomenon to be supernatural, and the Vatican later issued a decision to the contrary. In other cases, a bishop said one thing and his successor said the opposite about the same phenomenon. …More
Alex A
As was the norm before Vatican 2
The Left Wants Strong Christians Like Harrison Butker Out Of Sight And Out Of Mind

ROOKE: The Left Wants Strong Christians Like Harrison Butker Out Of Sight And Out Of Mind

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s commencement address at Benedictine College is sparking an insane …
"Highest selling jersey"
Credo .
@spinmeister Leading the Church. What's that got to do with the price of eggs?More
@spinmeister Leading the Church. What's that got to do with the price of eggs?
Leading the Church? You have got to be kidding. The hype is off the charts. There's an agenda with this. He's Opus Dei all the way.
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Sally Dorman shares from Luca Diste
On May 16th, 2024, His Beatitude, Pierbattista Cardinal Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem entered Gaza and reached the parish of the Holy Family for a pastoral visit.
S.E.R. il Sig. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Patriarca latino di Gerusalemme, è entrato a Gaza e ha raggiunto la parrocchia della Sacra Famiglia per una visita pastorale. Testo e foto da pagina facebook di …More
S.E.R. il Sig. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Patriarca latino di Gerusalemme, è entrato a Gaza e ha raggiunto la parrocchia della Sacra Famiglia per una visita pastorale.
Testo e foto da pagina facebook di SilereNonPossum
Lauren Handy has been sentenced to nearly five years in federal prison for leading a blockade of a Washington abortion clinic in 2020.

Activist sentenced to nearly 5 years in prison for clinic blockade

WASHINGTON (OSV News) — Lauren Handy has been sentenced to nearly five years in federal prison — 57 months — for leading a blockade …
chris griffin
They who have not signed up to strive for the crown are not required to undergo the labors of the contest. Those who haven’t gone down to the track …More
They who have not signed up to strive for the crown are not required to undergo the labors of the contest. Those who haven’t gone down to the track don’t smear themselves with oil, nor get covered with dust. Trouble comes only to those on their way to glory. The perfumed spectators prefer to watch, not to join the struggle, nor endure the sun, the heat, the dust and the rain.”
Caravaggio's victims are long gone. But living, breathing women whose lives have been drastically impacted by Rupnik live on.

A grifter named Ripley and a priest named Rupnik

If you’re looking for a creepy, unsettling thriller to stream, “Ripley” fills the bill. Based on Patricia Highsmith’s 1955 novel, “The Talented Mr. …
All Saints
Speak for yourself, John. But I guess you actually have been, haven’t you? You know who day and night accuses before God? Satan. Are you working for …More
Speak for yourself, John. But I guess you actually have been, haven’t you? You know who day and night accuses before God? Satan. Are you working for Satan, John?
Louis IX
Caravaggio killed a man in a brawl and had a temper, AND was a great artist. No comparison with this guy.
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Here’s Harrison Butker’s Controversial Commencement Speech In Full

Topline Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker is facing backlash over his commencement speech to the Class of 2024 at the Benedictine …
@chris griffin : I think he was being facetious in that he referred to her not by name but as his teammate's girlfriend.
True Mass
Love this man! He speaks for me. Better than any clergy I have ever heard in my entire life. God love bless and protect this great voice. A warrior for …More
Love this man! He speaks for me. Better than any clergy I have ever heard in my entire life. God love bless and protect this great voice. A warrior for Christ. Thank you for voicing everything I have been saying, feeling, thinking, for several years now. You are a true inspiration.
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Would you drive across this flooded road in Iceland? 👀 🌊