Pope Benedict's election as pope occurred in the 2005 papal conclave Pope Benedict XVI (Latin: Benedictus PP. XVI; Italian: Benedetto XVI; German: Benedikt XVI; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; …More
Pope Benedict's election as pope occurred in the 2005 papal conclave
Pope Benedict XVI
(Latin: Benedictus PP. XVI; Italian: Benedetto XVI; German: Benedikt XVI; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; 16 April 1927 – 31 December 2022) was the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 19 April 2005 until his resignation on 28 February 2013. Benedict's election as pope occurred in the 2005 papal conclave that followed the death of Pope John Paul II. Benedict chose to be known as "Pope emeritus" upon his resignation, and he retained this title until his death in 2022.
Pope Benedict XVI - Wikipedia
Fr Paul Kramer interview. May 2024.
chris griffin
Can you give us some insight as to what he is talking about?
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Shadow of Ezra - In an interview with Alex Jones, Pascal Najadi, the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum states Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama and Dr. Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo …More
Shadow of Ezra - In an interview with Alex Jones, Pascal Najadi, the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum states Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama and Dr. Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay and replaced with body doubles. Alex Jones said he had a Q freakout.
In an interview with Alex Jones, Pascal Najadi, the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum states Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama and Dr. Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay and replaced with body doubles. Alex Jones said he had a Q freakout. twitter.com/x/migrate?tok=eyJlIjoiL1NoYWRvd29mRXpyYS9zdGF0dXMv
Conspiracy theory even Alex Jones chuckles at!
Można przetłumaczyć sobie. Klikamy na film, w lewym dolnym rogu na szary ledwo widoczny prostokąt z napisem angielski, a pod filmem na symbol "przetłumacz"
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Artemis @Artemisfornow NEW ZELAND - This man has been forced to destroy millions of healthy bees by burning because the National American Foulbrood Management Agency found spores, well below that of …More
NEW ZELAND - This man has been forced to destroy millions of healthy bees by burning because the National American Foulbrood Management Agency found spores, well below that of infection levels & no disease. $2million lost and no compensation. When there’s a honey shortage…
Government yet again muddling in something they know nothing about. Remember the so-called "experts" on Covid telling everyone the kill shot was safe?
Carol H
This man's livelihood is being destroyed before his very eyes. Look at the pain in his face. Moreover, no bees means no pollination...Louis IX is dead …More
This man's livelihood is being destroyed before his very eyes. Look at the pain in his face. Moreover, no bees means no pollination...Louis IX is dead on - this spells induced famine.
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Info Krieger Krieger
Die ehemalige stellvertretende US-Außenministerin Catherine Austin Fitts erklärt, was der geplante "Great Reset" wirklich ist. "Wir kommen jetzt zum …More
Die ehemalige stellvertretende US-Außenministerin Catherine Austin Fitts erklärt, was der geplante "Great Reset" wirklich ist.
"Wir kommen jetzt zum Endspiel... sie müssen den Finanzputsch konsolidieren"
"Sie haben beschlossen, 500 Millionen Menschen in die Arbeitslosigkeit zu treiben" ....Das ist finanzielle Kriegsführung.
Mach keinen Fehler. Digitale IDs, CBDCs und 15-Minuten-Smart Cities sind auf dem Weg zu uns.
#Wahrheit #Freiheit
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Families of men and women who died after receiving the coronavirus vaccine file a collective lawsuit (News: April 17, 2024) 新型コロナワクチン接種後死亡男女の遺族などが集団提訴(報道:…More
Families of men and women who died after receiving the coronavirus vaccine file a collective lawsuit (News: April 17, 2024)

The government must acknowledge the fact that large-scale drug damage has occurred and atone for its crimes.
May 18 - Providas Romanorum - Freemasons Condemned and Excommunicated - 1751 - Pope Benedict XIV Indeed, everyone must absolutely abstain from said Societies, Unions, Meetings, Aggregations or Conventicles …More
May 18 - Providas Romanorum - Freemasons Condemned and Excommunicated - 1751 - Pope Benedict XIV
Indeed, everyone must absolutely abstain from said Societies, Unions, Meetings, Aggregations or Conventicles, under penalty of excommunication for all offenders, as above, to incur the ipso facto, and without any declaration, from which no one can be acquitted, if not at the point of death, by others other than the Roman Pontiff pro tempore. The English version has been scrubbed from the net but here it is in French. 1751 - Benoît XIV - Providas Romanorum Pope Benedict XIV Reasons for Condemning Freemasonry. Bendict XIV's Reasons for Condemning Freemasonry There are Demons of Freemasonry. Exorcist Diary #190: Demons Witness to Sanctity of Knights of Columbus Founder
May 17, 2024: FrancisVatican Has Friends in Really, Really, Really Low Places
Fr James Blount: Preparation for the Triumph of the Immaculate Part 1 | Hearts of the Holy Family Note: The end of the interview with Father James Blount was cut off in upload. For part 2 please click …More
Fr James Blount: Preparation for the Triumph of the Immaculate Part 1 | Hearts of the Holy Family
Note: The end of the interview with Father James Blount was cut off in upload. For part 2 please click this link: Fr James Blount: Preparation for the Triumph of the Immaculate Part 2 | Hearts of the Holy Family
In this interview, recorded November 2022, Yves Jacques welcomes Father James Blount, a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Trinity (S.O.L.T.), Catholic priest and exorcist. Father Blount shares insights from his international retreats, focusing on preparing families for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and equipping them for spiritual battles.
In this episode, Father Blount discusses the importance of the rosary and sacraments in spiritual warfare. He also introduces the Unity Prayer from the Flame of Love movement, a devotion with the promise to blind Satan and protect families, which has received an imprimatur from Cardinal Peter Erdo and blessings from the Pope. …More
Credo .
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Foxnews on Butker
To be attacked and vilified for being a faithful Catholic is a great mark of honor.
Dr Bobus
In 2018 Laurent Duvernay Tardiff, Chiefs starting right guard, graduated from.Medical School. He asked to be able to put MD after his name on the jersey …More
In 2018 Laurent Duvernay Tardiff, Chiefs starting right guard, graduated from.Medical School. He asked to be able to put MD after his name on the jersey. He was denied the request
*McGill in Montreal. where Andy Reid's mother received her MD
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Francis: “A Conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that. It is a suicidal attitude... to be closed up inside a dogmatic box.”
Conservative is something you want to keep when its good ,like the truth catholic doctrine ,traditonal marriage and family ,period
May 17, 2024: FrancisVatican Has Friends in Really, Really, Really Low Places
Elizabeth Oldfield This is the core of the argument I am making in my chapter on the G Bomb (God) in Fully Alive (bookshop.org/…he-twenty-first-century-elizabeth-oldfield/7445905)More
Elizabeth Oldfield
This is the core of the argument I am making in my chapter on the G Bomb (God) in Fully Alive (bookshop.org/…he-twenty-first-century-elizabeth-oldfield/7445905)
Understanding the Holy Spirit - Explaining the Faith Join Fr. Chris Alar as he explains the third divine person of the Blessed Trinity and gain a better understanding of the Holy Spirit and the Holy …More
Understanding the Holy Spirit - Explaining the Faith
Join Fr. Chris Alar as he explains the third divine person of the Blessed Trinity and gain a better understanding of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Trinity on this episode of Explaining the Faith.
For More Catholic teaching on the Holy Trinity:
Understanding the Trinity, God in Three Persons: Understanding The Trinity? - Explaining the Faith
God The Father God the Father: The Old Testament - Explaining the Faith
The Son youtu.be/6CGAqOLQvcQ
Support Our Ministries: thedivinemercy.org/donation/?source=YT
2024 05 17 Reconquest - My Children, Silence Before God A Message from Our Blessed Mother: "How can you act and fight if you do not know what you are being asked to do – and how can you know what is …More
2024 05 17 Reconquest - My Children, Silence Before God
A Message from Our Blessed Mother:
"How can you act and fight if you do not know what you are being asked to do – and how can you know what is being asked, what the order is, if you are not attentive to your captain’s voice?"
"And how can you hear your captain’s voice if you do not silence your thoughts – your own voice – your criteria, your will?"
PeterSweden @PeterSweden7 Japan's most senior cancer expert is now sounding the alarm on the mRNA injections. Doctors are suddenly seeing turbo cancer that was unheard of before. The mainstream media …More
Japan's most senior cancer expert is now sounding the alarm on the mRNA injections. Doctors are suddenly seeing turbo cancer that was unheard of before. The mainstream media is not showing you this.
Japan why dont you do something about it ?sue the vacine companies
Paradise on earth Paradise on earth Liturgy of Sunday 19 May - Solemnity of Pentecost Dear brothers and sisters, the world offers to men a wide range of "artificial paradises", so to speak, that, as …More
Paradise on earth
Paradise on earth
Liturgy of Sunday 19 May - Solemnity of Pentecost
Dear brothers and sisters, the world offers to men a wide range of "artificial paradises", so to speak, that, as advertising suggests, can satisfy all tastes and are within the reach of all budgets... They are sold with the illusion that they can fill the "abysses" that evil digs in the depths of hearts.
God, on his part, offers us for free, through the merits of Jesus his Son, the only and real Paradise of which we can right here and right now get a foretaste thanks to the wonderful Gift of the Holy Spirit who lives in our hearts.
A Paradise, the real one, that does not stun us, so to speak, with spectacular shows or sophisticated sounds; that it does not anesthetize or paralyze us as narcotic substances do; that does not close us in our selfish personal well-being, but, on the contrary, pushes us to "get out of ourselves" transforming us into formidable "agents" of change in the world.
The Pope clarifies his stance on blessing same sex couples "What I allowed was not to bless [a same-sex] union. That cannot be done because that is not the sacrament. I cannot. The Lord made it that …More
The Pope clarifies his stance on blessing same sex couples
"What I allowed was not to bless [a same-sex] union. That cannot be done because that is not the sacrament. I cannot. The Lord made it that way. But to bless each person, yes. ... Some people were scandalized by this. But why?" says Pope Francis.
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confusion and more confusion
Billy F
Freemason gobblygook!!!
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Latest Tucker on X.... Dave Smith on how neocons wrecked the country. (May 16, 2024)More
Latest Tucker on X....
Dave Smith on how neocons wrecked the country. (May 16, 2024)